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How to crush grapes for winemaking
Crushing grapes is a key step in winemaking. Without it, there would be no wine. Here’s how the crushing process is done to start creating the perfect wine.

Essential tools to have while doing vineyard maintenance jobs
As a vineyard owner, it is essential to have the right tools within reach while taking care of your vineyard. Pruning shears, a saw, a refractometer, and tying material are some of the essential tools that should always be available.

Croatia and its wonderful wine Regions
Croatia is a small country with good food and even better wine. As a small country, Croatia is divided into 3 major wine regions. Istra, Slavonija, Dalmacija. Croatian wines have gained recognition and appreciation in the international wine scene for their distinct character and quality. The country boasts a rich winemaking tradition that dates back […]